

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Yes, the title of this blog post is me trying to be creative. It is also me trying to combine interview with vibes so it makes sense. In my mind... Right?

Now I am starting to question myself. Cool.

Lets talk about interviews.
There are multiple types of interviews. 

There are formal interviews, normally one on one, with a person in a suit, asking you typical questions, such as what is the last book you read? Why did you major in _____? Why would you be a good fit for this position?

Then there are the middle of the road type. Either you meet in their relaxed office, a joint conference room, a coffee shop if they are super trendy. It starts with awkward conversation, you get some Q&A time about you, and then you leave feeling sort of "eh."

THEN, my dear sweet reader person, there are the inter-vibes. These are the picture perfect interviews. These are the interviews that happen in movies or 17 magazine with the article title "how to nail your interview 101" or some cute clever thing that has been over done. These are the interviews that don't feel like interviews.

Now, none of these are bad, and none are good, and there are so many more, these are just the top 3 I could categorize in my brain. Everyone has their preference, and there is a time, place, and job for each. I personally like 1 and 3. I find lunch meetings in general awkward, so I feel that a lunch interview or even coffee interview would be uncomfortable. Or extremely judgmental, like more so than a normal interview.

But now, currently.... post interview:

Newsday Tuesday

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I would like to apologize in advance for my constant lack of pictures. I have an Instagram and Twitter and Snapchat and then I forget about pictures for blog, I'm learning, I'm getting back into the swing of things. Work with me?

Speaking of work, I totally forgot I had an interview tomorrow, but it's okay. I remembered and now I'm super excited! It is a paid internship but hey, it's paid, and an internship, and I am at the point where I can figure out what I want to do with my life, or at least what I don't want to do with my life. That makes sense, right? It does to me.

As you may or may not know, my morning job deals with kids. I am the only permanent teacher and it's exciting but also sort of stressful. Anyways, one of my kids almost left my class to go to the one down the street because she was the only girl. Luckily we got another girl this week, but regardless, she told her mom she did not want to leave my class because Miss Kathryn wouldn't be there. HOW CUTE IS THAT.

But then I apply for other jobs and feel guilty but I mean they are just interviews and I see interviews as opportunities and lessons to get better at interviewing. It also gives me an insight to if I ever want to go into HR, and different interviewing tactics. Also, I just looked up the guy interviewing me and he is very attractive so that's fun! We all know how I get around attractive men...

Wish me luck!

When work gives you AC...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Because sometimes, you just experience really random things at work, and get extremely bored, and decide to take your phone out and write about them in the moment. These are the days of my life. 

Currently, in a cooling center at work. And I don't like it. 

I would like to start this blog post by saying how grateful I am to have a job and air conditioning. That being said, my current task for the day is not one I enjoy. When the city of LA hits over 100 degrees Fahrenheit they open up public cooling centers. What is that you might ask? A center, that is cool, from air conditioning. Yep. That's it. And that's what I'm working. You know, gotta make sure they don't break anything or touch anything. But I mean, realistically I'm just getting paid to sit here.

Now you're probably thinking "why is this girl complaining? She's literally sitting inside in AC and getting paid." WELL, person, that is a great question. Reason I am complaining, which I wouldn't even say is complaining but rather, observing, is that these people are talking about me in front of me. I have the guy in the tye dye shirt complaining about being 70 years old, another elderly man complaining about not being cool in his youth so his career started too late, and a couple asleep on a couch. Yep. So I'll be here. 

Hour and a half in update: dad brought me Starbucks and I had a visit from a coworker. Also I'm writing thank you notes from my birthday to try and be productive.

Long story short, I survived, and ended my day with Dunkin Donuts, so I mean my day was pretty fantastic. 

Bippity Boppity Blog

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Not going to lie, typing "blogger" into my Chrome browser was a very weird sensation and I'm still trying to figure out if it was more of a "what are you going to do there?" feeling or a "yeah! Let's have a fresh beginning!" feeling. If there was a gray area in between, that is where I currently am.

So hello, hi, shalom, happy Tuesday. Hope you had a fantastic Labor Day weekend! It's weird, my birthday usually falls on Labor Day weekend, and this year it didn't but I didn't notice until.... about five seconds ago. Actually, that is a lie. I realize when I was in Vegas last weekend, and I was extremely grateful because I would not have wanted to be in Vegas on Labor Day weekend. Too many people. Way too many people.

So here I am. Welcome. I was supposed to write this blog post earlier when I went to the gym, but that didn't happen for a multitude of different reasons. First being that I was on the elliptical and I would've probably fallen off, and second, I totally forgot until I was doing leg presses, but at that point I was really into my playlist and work out and people watching that I just kind of wrote it off. Oops. It's all good. I am here now, and that is all that matters. Right? Right.

So last night, I went to dinner with Rachel, who is basically my big sister. Side note, this post is going to be all over the place so maybe get some snacks, or water, or wine... definitely wine. So at dinner last night, Rachel and I were talking about life and it just made me put my life into perspective. I am twenty-two. I am employed (not doing anything remotely near what I thought I would be doing post grad life but hey, that's life). I have a house. I eat great food. I have great people in my life. Long story short, and after what would be a very long list of gratitudes, I have a great life, and I don't have much to complain about. Do I know what I want to do with my life? I mean, kind of? Sort of? Not really. Yeah I have a vague idea, but it is just an idea. I have my whole life in front of me! What more can I do right now? I'm sure there is a whole lot of things I could do, but I am going to be working for the rest of my life, so why not volunteer, and intern and do things that actually interest me before I dread going to work every morning, and hate my career. Because that, I don't want that.

I have never really stuck to one profession when asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I have stuck in the same range, besides when I was younger and said I wanted to be a princess (still true) or a doctor (science and I don't get along).  So yes, I have a focus, and the idea of law school is constantly poking the back of my head asking when I am going to actually consider it, but still. I have a paycheck, I have free rent (which is incredible, like as much as I want an apartment, free rent is so nice) and I have amazing people in my life who encourage me to be the best me, and don't rush me, and are proud of me for just being me. So I'd say twenty-two is going to be a good year. Hopefully. Fingers crossed. And hopefully I can remember that I have this little thing called the Internet where I can write everything that happens and log it into cyber space and hope that maybe one person can read it and smile, or give advice, or take advice. That's all I can really hope for right now, and I am totally and perfectly content with that.