
7 Things On Friday

Friday, January 31, 2014

We did it! We made it through another week. Go us. I don't know how it is only the second week of school.

Yesterday's post was not only an introductory "hey look, I got a new blog layout" but it was also a list of things I like! So in contrast, since today is Friday and I'm supposed to pick five things, I decided to make a list of things I don't like! But I really wanted to incorporate Miley Cyrus in this blog post because, why not, and so I made it 7 things I hate about life don't like, not to be negative on Friday, but just so that you can get a better sense of who I am!


  1. OMG I am with you for all these points. Loud sounds from headphones annoy me , why are you listening on headphones then? I used to be obsessed with this Miley's song.

    1. It drives me INSANE like sometimes I want to say something, but usually I don't.
      Ahhh it was my favorite music video of hers aha

  2. Virtually sending you a bless you every time you sneeze from here on out!

  3. Yesterday, before class, this guy came in and sat on the opposite side of the room. I could hear his music perfectly from like 15 feet away. Do they not realize other people can hear what they are listening to or something?

    1. Sometimes I don't think they realize that their headphones can get that loud/they think they're beats and are sound proof. But they aren't. Ugh

  4. aw baby miley - shh i have a secret miley guilty pleasure!

  5. I GET SO FRUSTRATED WHEN PEOPLE DON'T SAY BLESS YOU. I mean like I hate admitting that but it just makes me so secretly upset. I emphasize my 'bless you's every time someone else sneezes, so I'm giving you a loud and proud 'Bless you' every time you sneeze!

    xoxo, Monogram Meredith


When you comment, I turn into a little kid at a candy shop and get really giddy. Plus it makes my day (: