I would like to start out this post by saying that I am having Pad Thai for breakfast. Why? Because it's Friday, it's been one of those mornings, I didn't eat breakfast until 12 it was in the fridge. I scrambled up an egg and put it in there, does that count as "breakfasty"? I'm also having it with coffee so there's that. This morning has been a trip down crazy, frantic, on the verge of tears road. But Kathryn, it's Friday. True, but it is also the day that Justin Timberlake tickets went on sale. If you follow me on Twitter than you know the craziness I went through this morning in order to see JT bring sexy back in person, but basically BofA thought I was hacking my own credit card, I lost really great seats, I met a woman named Angela who is sending me a Target giftcard because she felt bad I lost my ticket seats, and now we're seeing JT from the nosebleed section. But you know what? I'm going with 3 of my really good friends, and we will breathe the same air as Justin so it will be fine. That was creepy. Let's forget I said that, yes? Cool. Also, last night I saw Lone Survivor and I cried my eyes out. It was so good. Go see it.
Since it is Friday, I usually "Back That Azz Up" at the end of my post, but in the spirit of JT, we will back it up before I get into my 5 things on Friday

And now, Five on Friday:
1. Justin Timberlake/Staples
I am actually so excited for this concert, if you couldn't tell how badly I wanted to go by searching for tickets for 2 and a half hours. Then again, this Twitter conversation with Staples made it all worth it. And yes, I know this is Staples US and not Staples Center, I made a mistake because I am human but now I have a conversation and I can't just delete it.
IMATS LA is Saturday! Tomorrow! YAY! I have my outfit, and I am so so so so ready. Eep! This will be my third year going, and I cannot wait to see my friends, meet new people, and see what's new in the makeup world. And of course, I get to hang out with my mom and aunt, the coolest sisters I know. I will be live tweeting IMATS LA, so be warned, and I probably will post Instagram posts too.
3. YouTube
I am going to YouTube Space tonight! Well, this afternoon. I am going to a "happy hour" event, whatever that means, but hopefully it is lots and lots of fun and I get to meet a ton of cool people. Also, I feel like YouTube Space is like a playground for YouTubers which sounds.. fun? Exciting? I don't know. I'm wearing Lou, my Anthropology sweater, and a skirt, whaaat? A skirt? Yeah I shaved my legs. In January. I know. Welcome to Los Angeles.
4. Bye Bye LA, Hello SF
I go back to San Francisco on Sunday! These past 6 weeks, have gone by so quickly and I don't know how I am going to fit everything in my suitcase. Including my dog. She's coming back with me, I can't say goodbye knowing it might be the last time I see her *cue waterworks.* But I am very excited for this upcoming semester! I have my apartment to go back to, my roommie, Theta events, my littles, my mini me, EEP, I have very high expectations for this semester and I can't wait for it to begin! Well, maybe the classes part could like, hold off for a little? That'd be really nice.
5. Giveaway!
And last but not least, the giveaway I mentioned yesterday! There is a week to enter, and there are some very good prizes, and some awesome girls participating!

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