Job hunting is not easy, and is definitely a full time job in and of itself. Having two part-time jobs, by the time I come home, I am already so tired, I just want to watch Netflix and sleep. But alas, my internship ends December 31, and I told my other part time job that I would not be returning come January.
Here and there I receive an email from a company saying they found my resume on so and so website, and they give me the job description. Other days I am online for countless hours into night time and am constantly applying to jobs, any jobs that sounds remotely interesting. Allison was job hunting and interviewing for a completely different job, when her dream job position seemed to sort of just fall in her lap. This isn't luck, or chance. That is fate. It is knowing what you really want, working extremely hard, and everything falling into place.
Here and there I receive an email from a company saying they found my resume on so and so website, and they give me the job description. Other days I am online for countless hours into night time and am constantly applying to jobs, any jobs that sounds remotely interesting. Allison was job hunting and interviewing for a completely different job, when her dream job position seemed to sort of just fall in her lap. This isn't luck, or chance. That is fate. It is knowing what you really want, working extremely hard, and everything falling into place.
So what is the happy medium? Honestly, I wish I could tell you. I, myself, am torn. I have all of these expectations and standards I have set for myself, which most have changed from when I was younger, but the principles remain the same. I have high expectations for myself, and I will not settle for just any job. I want to love my career, and I want to wake up in the morning with a smile on my face, wanting to go to work, because when I find my right career path, I will be making a difference in one way or another. That is my goal. I want to be able to look back on my life and say "hey look, I did that" or " I was a part of the conversation that sparked this movement" or "I was involved in this."
So, in a super market full of honey nut cheerios, all a different brand name, but all the same basic cereal, which do you pick?
Hopefully I didn't just make you crave cereal, but rather consider all of the options we have in life. I'm currently at a point where I can decide which career path, or cereal box to choose, and I can't lie... it is terrifying. I know everything happens for a reason, and everything works out the way it is supposed to, but that doesn't make options seem less daunting.
Any advice or comments would help me and this post-grad-funk!
Happy FriYAY, and I hope you have an incredible weekend!