For the rest of you, I'm currently listening to Ashlee Simpson and haven't been able to stop smiling for the past hour. Hopefully you read my catch up post, and if you didn't go go go. If I had a diary, I would write this in there, like the moment after it happened, but I don't so I came inside, showered, got ready for bed, and propped open my laptop. Good enough, right?
So the boy I mentioned in my last post, remember the one with the kiss under the fireworks, the great baseball tickets, yeah, him. Well, he came into the city for a game last night, and instead of driving in with his dad like he usually does, they took separate cars. I had gone to help Angie move some boxes into her new apartment, and exchange something at Target. On our way back from Target, where Starbucks was closed (rude, Starbucks) I got a text, explaining to me the above situation, telling me he won his game, and asked what I was doing. He wanted to "stop by and say hi."
He had a paper due at 11 which he hadn't finished but wanted to see me because I haven't seen him since that date (like two weeks or so ago?). So he came by and the "quick hi" turned into 20 minutes.. outside. Am I awful for not inviting him in? I didn't really have a chance to invite him in. MIND YOU, I like ran home from Target to clean and put on mascara and concealer because I was wearing ZERO makeup and workout clothes. You know, he can deal. Okay, not really, I was freaking out. I also brushed my teeth because, well I wanted to make sure I didn't have bad breath, that's gross. Back to the story, so I went outside because he texted me saying he was here and he was nowhere. Like I don't know what kind of car he drives. So I went back inside, got my keys and slippers, MY SLIPPERS, and found him across the street. Like that's fine because I was going to come right back inside, right? FALSE. Stayed outside for like 20 minutes. Maybe I caught pneumonia. No I wasn't that cold actually, but still. Like why did I power clean my apartment if he didn't even come inside. And I hinted at it! Was I supposed to say the words "do you want to come inside?" but then he would've never left in time to finish his paper. Like, it was bad enough we were outside for 20 minutes. That's a lie. It wasn't bad at all. I couldn't stop smiling. Or talking. Or... we won't get into that part because let's be honest, my mom is probably still reading this. Hi mom!
So I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face. But the reality is that I go home for summer in 2 weeks, but I'm hanging out with him Thursday if all goes according to plan. But that's probably the last time I'll see him for awhile and I am not looking for a long distance relationship right now. So it sucks, but I'm happy right now and that's all that matters, right? So heres to finishing this week strong and getting over this cold. (Don't worry, he knew I was sick. I warned him beforehand. I also told him to take Emergen-C or Airborne when he got home, because I don't want him to get sick from me.)
Okay, I'm done ranting. Still smiling, But now instead of listening to Ashlee Simpson, I'm listening to Vanessa Carlton.
Also, shoutout to my group chat for dealing with me immediately after this all went down. I was on Cloud 9 and was super sappy and I'm sorry. Also, he did finish his paper, because I know you were all concerned, but I'm sure it could have been way better, I mean he only had 15 minutes to write and submit it. WHOOPS.

ReplyDeleteHaha you have to spell it out for guys sometimes they just dont get it
ReplyDeleteYou are so cute!! I just want to "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" all over this post!
ReplyDeleteThis is so so sweet! Shane sent me over and now I'm so happy I read this post today.