Yesterday morning I got a phone call from my mom that my dad needed to go to the hospital for a spinal procedure. Everything went well but it's hard being here and not being able to be there in case anything went wrong or just even for support. Luckily, that's not what happened, and I talked to my dad last night and he sounded great.
My two presentations went flawlessly, and for my second one, my professor used me as an example for people presenting next week. I'll take whatever compliments I can get.
I was planning on having a date with the guy that my last post was about, but he wasn't responding to my texts and I got really restless so I went over to Angie's to help her with her apartment. After cleaning and Lysol-ing the entire place, he texted me back. Date number 2/Hangout number 4 consisted of watching movies in a study room on campus... Like is this what a college date is? We then decided, after the fact, I might add, that we should have gotten In N Out, but we didn't. Regardless of where we were, I still had fun because I got to hang out with him. So cheesy, I know.
But can we talk about how AWKWARD I am?
1) I poked him in the eye
2) I kept asking if he was comfortable because I wasn't and I didn't know how to position myself in the chair while also being able to semi cuddle with him. This is not an easy task like hi these are classroom chairs.
3) I laugh at moments when I'm not supposed to laugh because I'm really awkward
4) I kept talking during the movie and he had to rewind it at least 3 times
5) I was eating popcorn but it was gross but it got stuck in my teeth and he thought I was having a tooth ache but I was just trying to get the popcorn kernel out of my tooth
6) I didn't know what to do with my legs but then again I blame the classroom and the chair I had my les on for being uncomfortable
7) I'm sure there were more awkward moments but I can't think of them right now
I think I said sorry more than anything last night because I kept apologizing for my awkwardness. This is why I don't date. But whatever, we has the talk and it looks like he might be here for awhile so clearly my awkwardness isn't that bad.
Now that you've gotten through my date (is this even considered a date? I don't know but why not) story, here's a giveaway!!!
Go to college they said, it'll be fun they said! This is what a girl who's not ready to turn 22 looks like. I am so not ready to graduate! To lessen the blow a bit, 28 of my favorite bloggers have generously teamed up to celebrate with over $700 in prizes! My birthday isn't until May 6, but I got so excited putting this together (10 hours later) that it just had to go live today! Plus I'll be busy preparing for Cinco de Drinko all weekend. Let's see if we can top last years' Cheers to 21 Years!

Fierce Fashionista
Jewelry + handbag
Eleanor and Park, The fault in our stars, The language of flowers, Right before your eyes + Custom hoop design
Online music lesson + $15 iTunes + $10 TCBY
Beauty Maven

That was definitely a date! How do I know? I've done the SAME EXACT THING - it was just as awkward and I had to take notes for class (he did help out with those though)
ReplyDeleteRad give away!
The first few dates are always awkward anyway :)