
Preppy Black Friday | Lilly for Target Collection

Monday, April 20, 2015

If you thought Black Friday was bad, you didn't go to the Lilly for Target launch on Sunday.
We got to Target at 7:40 and there was already a line. Not too many people, but approximately, I don't know, 20 people? It wasn't awful. Doors opened at 8 and it was like a whirl wind after that.

We went straight to the clothes department, some people started walking, my friend Christine started running, so I decided to take a brisk pace and start jogging...
People started yelling "OMG, people are insane"
If I could go back in time, I would have yelled, just wait, insanity is just barely breaking out right now.

Time Stamp: 8:00 am.

Clothing racks were mostly full, but my attention shot straight for the scarves and phone cases. I grabbed this one.
 Lilly Pulitzer for Target Phone Case for iPhone 5/5s - Fan Dance
Lilly Pulitzer for Target Phone Case for iPhone 5/5s - Fan Dance

I proceeded to move towards the mob of people only 15 feet away from me and dive into the two large clothing racks full of beautiful Lilly for Target print. I had no tactic, but in the moment, I just looked at sizes, and grabbed mine. I had no idea what I was grabbing, but if it was my size and on the rack, it was in my hand. The rest of the next 3 two 4 minutes is a blur. I am convinced I blacked out, or "pinked" out, as it was being referred to as Pink Sunday. People were coming up on the back sides of the clothing racks and grabbing every single item, other women were fighting, other people were screaming, and then I saw a friendly face who kindly asked me if I knew where the home goods for the collection was, got distracted, and went with her on an adventure through Target to find them.
I regret this move, as there was only one small end shelf dedicated to the Lilly for Target home collection, and it was all gone. I should have kept my focus on why I was there in the first place: The green long sleeve dress. (boom boom print, for those of you who want to search its beauty)

I decided I had enough things in my hands, went out to the aisle, and looked for my friends. We reconvened and headed to the fitting rooms. Behind me  I saw a girl with the green dress, and had an out of body experience. I was thinking "OMG you got the dress" but instead said the words "OMG you got the dress." Now, this isn't rare of my personality as I will literally talk to a wall if it is there. I can start a conversation with any one or anything and I will just talk. Seriously... ask any of my friends. Some of them are embarrassed of me. I started talking to this woman, who then introduced me to her friend who she had met in line, and who had two of the magical and beautiful green dress. She told me she just needed to try them on and I could have whichever didn't fit her. OKAY COOL. This, ladies and gents, is why you talk to strangers. Because sometimes, you get lucky, and meet a nice person who will let you have the green dress that you had a dream about the night before. I know I have issues, don't point that out.

So, I took the very large portion of clothing that I had grabbed (I believe there were 15 things, including a phone case and necklace) and went on my merry way. Now, if you thought any of the above was crazy, you've got another one coming...

At this point I'd approximate the time stamp at around 8:30-ish

We were in line waiting for the fitting room, and there are some people who clearly have never been shopping before because they felt the need to grab every single size in one particular item and try them on. I am talking about one specific moth daughter duo who clearly had a game plan. And it was very selfish. So at this point in time, there are people who are trickling into the store, hoping to find one thing. But, to their surprise, the shelves and racks were cleared at 8:05. I kid you not. 5 minutes for insanity to ensue. FIVE. MINUTES. Like that Madonna song plus a really long intro. Yeah. So, these people, who decided to come to Target at 8 instead of be a crazy person like myself and come before 8, began to form their own line on the other side of the fitting room, to go through the clothes that people weren't getting because it wasn't their size, etc. LIKE, EXCUSE ME WHAT?! Target eventually realized this was a dangerous solution to get a dress and at some point when I was in the fitting room, decided to have the security guard take the clothes from the fitting room back to the racks. Oh, and yes, there was a security guard specifically for this launch. Preppy girls... you know us and our record...

So I tried on a few things, put the romper back, put the necklace back, and had two dresses, a top, and pants. I was happy, and then I had the brilliant idea to look at the price tag.... Yeah. That thought hadn't occurred to me yet. Here are the lucky items that made the cut:

 Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Shift Dress - Upstream
Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Shift Dress - Upstream

 Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Crochet Tank Top - White
Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Crochet Tank Top - White
 Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Linen Shift Dress - Giraffeeey
Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Linen Shift Dress - Giraffeeey
I put back a pair of the pants in the "My Fans" print, which were beautiful, but way too pajama-y so they did not make the cut. But they did. make the out of the fitting room cut, so I had to go back and yell "SIZE LARGE, ANYONE WANT THESE?" to the hoarding group of women to which a nice woman approached me, thanked me, and went on her way to the fitting room. NICE PEOPLE DO EXIST!

Time Stamp: 8:45am-ish (I hadn't had coffee yet, give me a break)

We proceeded to the cash register because I decided I needed to pay before I did even more damage, and even at the cash register, the chaos continued. Some women had decided against purchasing specific things come time to pay (clearly they didn't look at the prices until last minute either) and there were people going through the return bucket. I almost bought a shirt in the Boom Boom print because I didn't have the dress, but it has a weird cinch thing and I decided against it.

Time Stamp: 9:00am
I got coffee (thank goodness for Starbucks in Target), got home and went online to see if there was any hope to me getting the dress, and alas it was sold out everywhere... BUT I am extremely happy with my purchases and am even happier that I survived Lilly for Target. I know that this is currently a very controversial collection, and a lot of people are upset with how it turned out. Unfortunately, there are people who bought the entire rack of clothes and are now selling them for over $100, and as unfair as it is, that is life. Personally, I would not buy from these people, because to me, it takes away the entire purpose of Target Collections. Famous designers collaborate with Target to make more affordable, still great quality, pieces, so that people can say that they own a Lilly Pulitzer dress, and not have to pay over $100 for it... That is just my opinion, and people will be people and no one can stop that.

Hopefully you all had a successful Pink Sunday and got at least a few good steals!

Did you have any horror stories?
Did you enjoy the collection?

Talk Emoji to Me

Thursday, April 9, 2015

In case you live under a rock (aka you're secretly Patrick Star) or you don't like change, or maybe you're one of those people who exist without an iPhone, THERE ARE NEW EMOJIS. If you have been around for awhile, or used to read my blog when I would post frequently, you would know that I have an ongoing "list of emojis we need." (Please read post here, it is important.) 

Now that you're thinking about all the emojis you want *cough cough a taco emoji cough* prepare to be disappointed. 

The main change is that you can now swipe through all the pages at once, making it way easier to find whichever emoji your heart desires, and not search different pages, and and and, Apple has decided to get political and we can now change the race of our emojis. But don't get too excited... You can only change the hand emojis and the single people. The families, and other paired emojis remain yellow.

 The families now come with two moms, two dads, and multiple children, as well as the kissy people (though they are yellow) why yellow? No idea! There are different types of princesses though which I am ecstatic about.

I would also like to add that the monkeys have moved... The see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil little guys used to be in the faces and are now with the animals.. It took me a while to find them.

 Still no taco... Also I was hoping that I would be able to hold down the red wine and be able to make it white wine but.. we can't have it all can we.

There's some new flags...

 Still these random ones, but HEY there is a new purple shirt!

The ones that no one really uses...

 And the ones that people really don't use.. but now there is a Star of David, so happy belated Passover!

Hope you are all having a fantastic Thursday, and guess what!? We are just one day away from the weekend.

To Juice or Not To Juice

Monday, April 6, 2015

I survived a Pressed juice cleanse. Yes, yes if you follow me on Twitter you know I did this. Supposedly I was over obnoxious with my tweets and got subtweeted by someone saying they didn't care about my juice cleanse. I care about my juice cleanse, and that is all that matters. Right? Sure, why not.

So to keep my sanity during the day and in a means to not drift into la la land, I made an effort to write everything down during the day on different post-its. Lucky for you, almost two weeks later, I stumbled across these post-its, and am now going to relive my juice cleanse. You're welcome.

Juice #1: Greens 3
Easy to drink
140 Calories
Also had 24 oz. of water

9:00: 1 apple slice

10:30: 1 apple slice
Thoughts - "Am i hungry? Or is it the bagel that this girl in class is eating?"

Juice #2: Roots 2
I did not like this drink. In all caps on my post-it I wrote "HEAVY. HARD TO DRINK. NO."
So that answers that question
160 Calories
Some coconut water
Supposedly there was a guy in my class eating a sandwich and I hate him, sorry dude
Drank 24 oz. of water

Juice #3: Citrus 1
120 Calories
Ate 4 apple slices with peanut butter
I wrote nothing about how this tasted so lets say it was good?

3:40pm (wow I am so exact)
Juice #4: Greens 5
"I WANT PIZZA!" wow guess I was hungry at this point in the day...
200 Calories
I also ate some almonds supposedly

Juice #5: Roots 3
"THIS IS SPICY" I actually remember writing that.. because it was like liquid ginger. Ew, that sounds gross. It was actually good
200 Calories
I ate almonds and lettuce?
24 oz. of water

Juice #6: Chocolate Almond
420 Calories
3 chicken strips
(No picture apparently.. I think I was delusional at this point)

If you made it to the end of this post, you will see that SURPRISE I didn't really make it. I ate the chicken strips at like 9pm... I was hungry, I had a headache, stop judging me.

April Showers

Thursday, April 2, 2015

An ex-blogger, an ex-girlfriend, and I walk into a room...
I promise you, that joke was going somewhere, but where? I couldn't tell you now. It's this new Starbucks drink I order, it has me bouncing off walls, or in this case all over the keyboard.

Surprise!!! I'm back!
I forgot why I abandoned this great little thing I had going and I remembered that my outlet changed. I went from writing my feelings and my moods and honestly whatever had popped into my mind, and went to sharing those all with another person, rather than just getting it out there and posting it onto the interwebs. Granted, both are great. Human to human interaction is awesome, unless its Netflix night, then no other people are allowed, and there is just something so calming about sitting down in front of a computer and writing whatever you are feeling in that very moment.

So, back to the "joke"... those three people are me. Supposedly I thought it was funny, but I mean if you can't look back on your past year and at least smile, then you're doing something wrong. So here's your catch-up. I started a blog, I started dating a boy, stopped blogging, dated said boy for a little over a year, cut my hair, things happened, people move, I'm getting ready to graduate, things ended mutually, and now I am sitting back at a computer, telling you, whoever "you" may be, how I feel. Breakups change people, people change people, coffee changes people, and at this point in my life, change only happens so that

I have no idea what this blog will turn into, and I also don't want to limit myself to a specific genre. If I feel like posting about what I do at the gym, I might do that, or maybe I will go on a rant about how the girl at Starbucks was wearing cowboy boots, or I might even word vomit about all my feelings about the fact that I am graduating in two months (I would count on that one...)

So here I am, trying out this whole blogging thing again. They say April showers bring May flowers, but I'm going to say April showers bring new beginnings, in whatever outlets that may be.
Wish me luck, grab a cup of coffee or maybe a margarita (I approve of both) and join me on this journey of a little thing I like to call life.