After the longest 4 days of recovery, I can finally say I think my jet lag is wearing off! YAY
(insert all happy emojis here).
I flew back on Saturday and had literally the longest day of my life. I left Madrid at 10:45 am, landed in London at 12 ish, and finally arrived at LAX at 5:20 pm. Meanwhile I spent 2 and a half hours from London to Madrid, and 12 or so hours from London to LAX, needless to say it was intense. After that plane ride I knew I needed a few days off, so I have been trying to relax as often as possible, which translates unpacking into throwing stuff onto my desk, OOPS!
But clutter no longer! I started a mini juice cleanse yesterday, which has definitely been helping, and i am summer cleaning my room.
Cute trophies right? They're from middle school! Makes me feel just the slightest bit old...
I also need to attempt to reorganize my makeup for the next few months...
And the jewelry, but thats another story (:
In the midst of moving some things around, I found a Christmas present! Guess I'm bringing holiday scents into summer!
But for now, I must return to cleaning! Then and only then will I be able to get some color and enjoy my beautiful back yard. Yay for motivation!

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