This weekend has been kind of all over the place, which is surprising because I had no plans and now here I am looking back on my weekend thinking about all the stuff I did.
Thursday and Friday I worked like 12 hour days each day which was exhausting. Like, if you work 12 hour days multiple days in a row, kudos to you because I don't know how you do it. I am used to working 10-6 Monday-Friday and with that I have a routine, which is not something I like to break. Once I got this schedule, it took me about two months to figure out my morning and evening routine, and after these two days of being off schedule is it weird that I am going back to my normal schedule tomorrow.
On the weekdays, I wake up around 5:30 and go to the gym.
I know, just like everyone else, I go to the gym in the morning. But if I don't go in the morning 1) I don't go at all because I am too tired to go after work 2) it truly makes my day 110% better 3) it really isn't that crowded. After I gym, I come home and shower and plan my outfit unless it is already planned.
I know, I plan my outfits, I plan everything, I have to otherwise I go insane and I double book and it's bad.
Then I decide what to have for breakfast. Sometimes after the gym I go to Starbucks and get an Iced Coffee, other times I will just make it at home. All depends on the day and my mood.
Once I get ready, I grab my lunch and had out the door to go sit in morning traffic. I know. Welcome to LA. For lunch, I normally meal prep so I can just grab it out of the fridge and head to work.
But, that is enough of my morning schedule! Here are some snapshots form my weekend!
Friday motivation! |
A little behind the scenes from work on Friday! |
Saturday lunch date |
Sunday morning inspiration |
Yummy yummy salmon salad for lunch Sunday |
Meal Prep! |
What's your daily routine? Do you need to have a routine?

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