
Month in Madrid: Mercado de San Miguel

Friday, May 24, 2013

Tonight we decided to go to the mercado San Miguel and oh goodness was that a good choice! My mom saw this on the food network and said it was a must go place in Madrid. If you are ever in the city, GO! It is all food that you eat there, tapas, aka everything in Madrid! San Miguel is an indoor market that is next to plaza mayor, the oldest plaza in Madrid! Everything was responsibly priced and was so fun, just walking around, drinking, eating good food and taking pictures. We got burrata, paella, pesto lasagna, a potato torte, snickerdoodle icecream (leche something), and then chocolate truffles. Topped it all of with white apple sangria and tonight was one of the tastiest nights in Madrid!
Hasta luego (:

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