Alright, so here is my warning- this post is kind of, sort of, very Los Angels-y. Meaning, I went to an award show and got all fancy, and walked on a red carpet, and hung out with fabulous people. But don't worry, this wasn't the Oscars. One day, it will be... one day.
My flight got in Friday night after having the girl next to me stare at me the entire time, and having to deal with the weird, annoying, guys on the other side of me. It's fine I listened to my podcasts and Beyonce and it was fine. I came home to an unexpected text from Mr. Snapchat which was interesting to say the least. But this post isn't about him. At all.
Saturday morning, my mom and I woke up to go to brunch and get our nails done. MAGICAL. I got the French Toast. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Also, there were some comments on my picture saying that I should start a brunch blog. How do we feel about this? I would just make a separate tag... Let me know, because I would actually love to do this!
Okay, so back to the fun stuff. I went to Starbucks and they messed up my drink, so they gave me my drink, in a trenta. A TRENTA. I finished it. Over like an hour and a half, but Oh My Goodness it was obscene. Like no drink should be that size.
After nails we went to the mall and ran some errands, and then came home to start getting ready. The doors opened at 4:30 and we got there around 5. Let's just say there was a red carpet and I was ALL for it. We got our pictures taken (now I need to go find who took them and where they will be posted) but we weren't interviewed. Guess we aren't that cool.... yet.
Then we headed inside to two different types of bars: the open bar and the mashed potato bar. I thoroughly enjoyed both. Also, I had no service there so tweeting wasn't a thing and all of my texts went through even though I thought they didn't so that was kind of embarrassing.. But not as embarrassing as these bathroom pictures I took...
The award show itself was long but entertaining, and I had this guy (aka the world's largest glass of wine) to accompany me.
As I was walking out of the show, there was a photographer who stopped me and asked if he could take my photo. I said yes... of course, because uhm, what? And so as I was walking out I looked back and had my photo taken like a real A-lister. I am actually cracking up right now. Welcome to LA.
Post award show included cookies, cream puffs, and coffee. I can deal. We then went to the after party because, Los Angeles and spring break. The party was at the top floor of a hotel and they had SUCH GOOD FOOD. They were lacking in the open bar department though. Oh well. These ladies were "sober" and she proceeded to tell me why I shouldn't go into entertainment PR. Okay, lady. My mom also showed her the picture I took of her taking a selfie prompting her drunk convo with us, but she kept calling me pretty, so OKAY.
TRUFFLE MAC N CHEESE NEED I SAY MORE? I had like three of these.
Also, tuna cracker things. YUM.
This morning we lost an hour and made up for it by sleeping in. We went to the Farmer's Market, Trader Joes, and Gelsons and then TARGET. My favorite things.
Tonight I went to dinner with my friend, Rachel and saw the most gorgeous sunset!
Also, on the way home, I finally found the Teen Vogue issue with Lea Michele on the cover, so I picked that up.
And now to pack and sleep for tomorrow aka DISNEYLANDDDD. I'm going for two days with my mom, so I won't be posting until Wednesday. And that post will probably be about Disneyland. And it's going to be magical. So prepare for your Twitter and Instagram feeds to be filled with Disney. YAY!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

i want to go to an awards show! gah y ou're so lucky. also you look so pretty :)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like such a great weekend!! And the food looks BOMB *heart eye emoji*
ReplyDeleteyour life is perfect can i be you
ReplyDeleteMashed potato bar? count me the eff in
ReplyDeleteBut serious question. How often do you get brunch a week. lol
ReplyDeleteUgh this looks amazing. That picture of the selfie taking lady is absolute gold, go you! Haha. I'm so jealous of two days at Disneyland...not fair at all. I want an annual pass again! Anddddd a brunch tag would be an amazing blog feature! I'd for sure be stoked to read it :]