I felt so cliche even writing the title of this blog post, but sometimes we all need a fresh start. I have definitely been one of those people in the past who is determined to change on the first day of the New Year, because it is a New Year, new hope, new experiences, the list goes on and on. What I currently don't understand is why we don't celebrate New Month? Every day is an opportunity to change who you are, and whoever that is, only you can decide.
Okay enough sentimental boring New Year, New You stuff... let's get real here.
2015 was a whirlwind of emotions for me. My heart was broken, I disappointed people, I experienced new things, I learned a lot about myself, I grew up, I created memories that will last me a lifetime, I graduated college, I changed, and I realized what I want in life for myself and from others.
New Year's Eve is just an opportunity for clubs and bars to jack up their prices, and for people to get extremely drunk, and for random people to make-out. As cool as this may sound, I wanted to be in bed. Which is what I was when the clock struck midnight.
Didn't get a kiss at midnight? You're still alive, it isn't the end of the world.
Didn't get drunk? Look at all the calories you saved!
Went to bed early? Look at you, getting that beauty rest for 2016!
Didn't set any resolutions? Yeah, because you're probably already perfect.
I have no regrets from the year of 2015 and hope to only become a stronger individual, both physically and emotionally, in the coming year. Instead of celebrating the New Year, I challenge you to celebrate every month, every memory, every experience. When things close, it just makes room for something bigger and better. (And this is coming from someone who has little to no patience.)
All I can say is this: happy you year. Take a moment and reflect on what you want, and what you don't want in your life, and start collecting more moments and memories than things.
You are beautiful and smart and you deserve the world, so go get it!

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