Before we get into 12 Days of Blogmas, here is a little weekend recap (yay, my favorite!)
Saturday was all party prep, aka the most stressful day of the year in my house. From cleaning to getting food, to actual party set-up, the tension is real. And then, of course, we have to get ready. Luckily my little came up from San Diego for my party and Erika came early, which helped us out, so the stress was definitely taken down a notch.
My outfit is all from J. Crew. OOPS. Lace top was originally $98, I got it for $31, pixie pants, and the gorgeous green necklace Nicole got me for my birthday! And then my black booties are from Target!
My favorite twins and my favorite moms!
Throw what you know! Of course we had to get all sorority cute!
And my favorite present of the night?
LOOK AT IT IN ALL OF IT'S GLORY. I can do a post on it. I want to. Is that weird? I mean, I might do it anyways, but still. EEEEEEP! For all you non makeup obsessed, this is the Naked 3 palette, and I am obsessed with it. I haven't used it, unless you count staring at it and swatching the colors on my arm?
Little princess knocked OUT after the party!
And then the next day was touristy day with Angie!
Sweet Butter for breakfast (only because we went to Blue Jam two days before...we should've gotten French Toast)
We were driving down Ventura, past Universal and decided we might as well just go to Hollywood and be super touristy. Plus, we want James Franco to follow us on Instagram so we though this would be a good start! He hasn't yet... He will.
Anyways, we got free one hour parking so we decided to take advantage of it. We walked up and down Hollywood and encountered all of the crazies. All of them. I met a man who was a rapper and he gave me his free CD. It was awful. Then Angie held a snake, and then there was a really cute Tom Cruise look-a-like but he was shorter than me so I didn't get a picture with him... Priorities.
Had to visit our favorite guy (;
And on our way back to the car, we found Walt!
Since we were already in Hollywood, we figured, why not just go visit the sign? Well the road I usually take up was closed so we went up to the Griffith Observatory. (Fun fact, I have lived in LA for 20 years and have never been up here! We didn't officially go inside though, so now I want to go back!) It was crazy so we parked on the side of the hill, took some pics, and left.
Christmas time!
Since we already did Christmas song, I am going to do Christmas movie, since I want to and can (:
I love it. Buzzfeed had this quiz up the other week, so of course I took it. And I got Rachel. LAME, I WANTED NATALIE. But this makes sense, kind of? Plus Karl is a total cutie pie.
Take the quiz! Let me know who you get!
Of course, there is also Elf, How The Grinch Stole Christmas (with Taylor Momsen, yeah don't think I forgot about her when she was innocent...), The Holiday, Christmas Cupid (it's on Netflix, it's cheesy and I love it.), The Polar Express (you can't not like this movie, it's too good), and OF COURSE The Santa Clause (I love all three, but the second one is my favorite!)
Of course there are tons and tons of Christmas movies, but these are just my favorites!
Merry Eve of Christmas Eve!

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